
2023年1月29日—Asyoumayknow,thescrolllockkeywasoriginallymadeforworkingondocuments,whereyoucanscrollthroughthedocumentasifitwerea ...,Toturnonoroffscrolllockonmostkeyboards,youcanpressthescrolllockkey(oftenabbreviatedasScrLk)locatedinthetoprightcornerofyourkeyboard ...,Inthisusage,ScrollLockisatogglinglockkeylikeNumLockorCapsLock,whichhaveastatethatpersistsafterthekeyisreleased.Today,thispartic...

Can I use Scroll lock for it's original purpose on MS Word?

2023年1月29日 — As you may know, the scroll lock key was originally made for working on documents, where you can scroll through the document as if it were a ...

How to turn off scroll lock

To turn on or off scroll lock on most keyboards, you can press the scroll lock key (often abbreviated as ScrLk) located in the top right corner of your keyboard ...

Scroll Lock

In this usage, Scroll Lock is a toggling lock key like Num Lock or Caps Lock, which have a state that persists after the key is released. Today, this particular ...

Scroll Lock: Most Up-to

The Scroll Lock key is intended to lock all scrolling techniques and is a holdover from the original IBM PC keyboards. In its original design, Scroll Lock was ...

Turn off scroll bars in Microsoft Word

2012年2月14日 — Here's how you can disable horizontal or vertical scroll bars in Microsoft Word. 1. Open the Microsoft Word preferences menu. 2.

Turn off Scroll Lock

If your keyboard does not have a Scroll Lock key, on your computer, click Start and then press CTRL+C to display the Charms bar. Click Change PC Settings.

What scroll lock does

Scroll lockis a feature found on some computer keyboards that allows you to lock the scroll bar so you can use your arrow keys to navigate any document without ...

You Asked: What the heck is Scroll Lock

2010年8月24日 — Scroll Lock is a toggling lock key on the keyboard, just like the CAPS LOCK key. Once pressed, Scroll Lock is enabled. To turn it off, simply ...

關閉Scroll Lock

如果Scroll Lock 為開啟,游標會在資料欄和資料列之間移動,而不是儲存格。 以下內容說明如何關閉Scroll Lock。

關閉Scroll Lock

Windows 10:. 如果您的鍵盤沒有SCROLL LOCK 鍵,請在電腦上按一下[設定> >輕鬆存取] >鍵盤。

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
